data entry job Overview f you have nothing to do at home and you feel bored, why not try to make extra income online. If you want to be a captcha coder then its so easy, all you have to do is to enter the captcha words in the box and the more captcha you entered the more earnings you have. 

Sample:Please take note for instruction below read everything first before you register:

1. click here to register and you will see the image below just click number 1. The site is in Russian language but you have an option to change it to English upon login.
when u creat accont put this code to ur wmz Z298744410687 .i will give u 75 rs for 1 dollar .if u need kb software we also provide kb software 3 id with 200 hundreds only .

2. After step 1 the page below will appear then register and confirm your email.

Note: Don't be bother about the captcha counter they have as its not really updated, it took them 10 minutes to update the counter or sometimes the next time you signin to the site.

The pay per captcha entry will also change to much higher amount, it depends to the quantity of work they have or and how accurate your entry was.

They also offer bonus for increase of your payout
The beginner +0%
Junior stricker +2% if your reached 100 captcha
Senior stricker +5% if your reached 1000 captcha
Silver hammer + 8% if your reached 5000 captcha
Gold hammer +10% if your reached 10000 captcha

The Smith +15% if your reached 18000 captcha
The gold smith +20% if your reached 30000 captcha
Kuvaldo +25% if your reached 50000 captcha
Gold kuvaldometr +30%  if your reached 80000 captcha
The younger borer +35% if your reached 120000 captcha
The senior borer +50% if your reached 170000 captcha
Deformator +120%  if your reached 250000 captcha

***If you have any questions or concern please leave a comment below and i will be happy to assist me .if 

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